The Magician
place three coins down and covers them
with a card. He places another card
down several inches away. When he lifts
the cards, one coin has mysteriously
traveled across! This is repeated until
all three coins have traveled. 魔術師展示三個錢幣,並用一張撲克牌蓋著它們。在不遠處,他放下了另外一張撲克牌,當他舉起撲克牌,一個錢幣神秘地走到另外一張撲克牌,如是者三個錢幣逐一變到另外一張撲克牌。
Open the wallet
to show two cards inside. You remove
the picture card and place it face-up
on the palm of the audience hand. Then
you remove the nine of clubs and place
it facedown on top of the picture card.
Haven said a magic spell, you turn over
the top card and you reveal it has now
turned blank. Have the audience pick
up the picture card to discover that
the nine has actually melted onto the
back. 魔術師打開錢包,內有兩張撲克。魔術師首先把紅心Q取出放在觀眾手上,然後再將錢包反轉把葵扇9面向下取出放在紅心Q之上。魔術師在葵扇9上施魔法後,葵扇9竟然變成一張空白的牌,而紅心Q的背面卻印上葵扇9的圖案。兩張牌神奇地融合了!