The magician
asks a spectator to take a card. The
card is memorized and inserts back to
the deck, the deck is shuffled by the
spectator. As the spectator is shuffling
the cards, the magician takes off his
tie, announcing that he will stick the
chosen card in the tie tip. The cards
are thrown into the air, the magician
shakes the tie as if it were a whip
and a card is seen stuck into the tie! is the selected card! 魔術師邀請觀眾挑選一張紙牌並記憶,然後放回撲克疊洗勻。此時魔術師很隨意地除下帶,宣稱他的領帶將會把剛才的紙牌釣上,並將整疊紙牌向天飛撒,同時大力一揮領領帶,一瞬間,領帶的帶尖就把觀眾的紙牌插中及黏著了!
A card frame
displaying 2 columns of left-right identical
cards, 5 animals cards on the right
side and the same arrangement on left
column. Swapping the cards, the magician
places the cards randomly on one column,
and inserts the cards on the other column
according to the free choice from a
spectator. Finally turn the card frame
round, showing that all the cards are
matched on left and right columns. 魔術師展示膠架上二行左右相同的卡片(左右各五張),然後取出卡片洗勻,牌面向下。魔術師先把五張卡片排上左邊,然後按照觀眾的意願排上右邊的五張卡片。完成後把膠架反轉過來,觀眾會發現二行卡片的排列原全相同!