The performer
places a small carpet on the floor and
displays three small brass cups. Three
cork balls are also shown and placed
under the cups. Finally they multiply,
increase in size, until they seem to
be too large to fit the cups. 魔術師在桌上放上一張小氈及展示三隻銅杯,首先將三個木球放入杯底,木球竟然變多、變大,直至其體積能夠注滿杯子。
/ copper 杯球奇術 鋁或銅
These magic
trick are including 3 spun metal cups,
highly polished. One of the cups is
gimmicked, similar to the Chop Chop
Cup. 4 Hand Knit (Crocheted) Balls.
One of the balls is gimmicked. Draw-string
carrying bag. 這個魔術玩意包括三個光身的金屬杯子,四個針織球,以及一個索繩袋。
You show 4
unturned polystyrene cups... under one
of the cup is a metal spike. A spectator
is asked to mix up the cups so that
no-one knows where "The Spike"
is... by using the special numbered
cards... the Magician smashes the cups
down on the plinths! Finally the Magician
lifts up the last cup to reveal the
spike... The Audience Breath a Sigh
of Relief! 魔術師把四個不透光的發泡膠杯倒轉放在四個底座上,其中一個底座上插有一支金屬釘,釘尖指向上。魔術師請觀眾把蓋上杯子的底座混亂位置,然後魔術師用手大力把紙杯拍下,拍到最後一個停下來,把紙杯揭開,就是那個有釘子的底座了。觀眾都會替魔術師心驚膽跳和最後鬆一口氣。