I thought
I knew rope magic until I saw Lou Lancaster
doing it. He teaches you how to prepare
your ropes for easy cutting and working.
He shows you many out of this world
"cut-and-restored" principles.
Excellent rope through neck routine,
rope through thumb. Shoe laces, knot
dissolved, as well as many other knot
dissolved principles. 路易是一位出色的〝繩子魔術〞演繹者,他只需一些簡單的道具,便能演繹出千變萬化的魔術。他的拿手好戲包括【斷繩還原】、【繩子穿頸】、【繩子穿手指】和其他【解結原理】等等。
If you have
ever seen David Oliver doing his sponge
ball show, you know we have the best
teacher for you. In this video, David
Oliver teaches you the most fascinating
sponge ball routines and techniques,
as well as how balls mystereously appear
from volunteer's pockets. 如果你已經看過大衛的〝海綿球魔術〞,你便一定知道自己已經找到一位出色的老師了。大衛精湛的〝海綿球魔術〞人所共知,他的手法和步驟得以令人嘆為觀止。
Mario J. Gonzalez,
Jr., built his reputation on this little
device called the Thumb-Tip. He has
traveled throughout the country giving
lectures on the Thumb-Tip. In this video,
he explains the different types of Thumb-Tips
and their usage. 瑪利澳最為人所共識的就是他的〝指套魔術〞,他曾走遍世界各地教授各色各樣的〝指套魔術〞。在錄影帶內,他會教授〝指套魔術〞千變萬化的演繹方式;例如:【空手來帕】和一些巧妙的演繹手法。
Johnny Thompson
is one of the famous close-up performer
for the Classic Coin Routines. Why are
these classics? Because The Great Tomsoni
performs them the way they were originally
performed by their creators. He then
explains how to do them with step-by-step
detailed instructions so they can be
learned quickly and easily. 莊尼是一位著名的近距離魔術師,而他最擅長演繹的便是傳統的〝錢幣魔術〞。很多人都會問:「為什麼傳統的魔術總是最為吸引?」在這錄影帶中,莊尼所演繹的原創錢幣魔術便能為你解開所有疑問。